The Earthquake Information Center (also known as Epi-center) is managed by the C-PRIM, an association dedicated to raising awareness about major risks (avalanches, landslides, flooding...) in the mountain areas.
It is open from Tuesday to Saturday. More information on the dedicated website.
In accordance with an agreement signed with the municipality of Lourdes and the French State, the association Centre Pyrénéen des Risques Majeurs (C-PRIM) is in charge of the scientific animation and awareness-raising activities of the Earthquake Information Center (Maison de la connaissance du risque sismique), located in Lourdes, in front of the Funicular of the Pic du Jer.
You can download our flyer (in French).
Did you know that Lourdes is one of the areas with the highest seismic activity in France?
That’s why it has an educative and awareness-raising center dedicated to the understanding of seisms and their effects: the Earthquake Information Center (Maison de la connaissance du risque sismique), unique in the country.
During your visit, you will be able to use several interactive models illustrating the effects of earthquakes on buildings, observe seismometers and their live recordings, as well as feel a quake on a simulator with virtual reality.
You can visit the Earthquake Information Center from Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 and from 1.30 to 5.30 PM . It is closed on public holidays.
The address is 59 avenue Francis Lagardère 65100 Lourdes (follow the signs "Maison de la sismicité" or "Funiculaire"). Free parking. The facilities are accessible in wheelchair. Pets are allowed held in arms.
You can visit by yourself or book a guided visit. Specific activities are offered to children. The explanatory panels are mostly in French and partly in English/Spanish/Italian/Spanish/German.
The guided visits should be booked in advance for individuals or groups (up to 15 persons). These tours, guided by a scientific mediator, can be adapted to various audiences and are available in French, English or Spanish.
The admission to the Earthquake Information Center is free of charge for autonomous visits.
The fee of the guided tours are as follows:
- Basic fee: 5€ per person (free for children under 8).
- Family discount: 15€ for up to 6 persons.
- Escape game: 10€ for up to 6 persons.
Payments can be made by card, check or cash. You can also book your guided visit online in English or Spanish.
Feel free to contact us per e-mail ( or phone (+33-6-22-07-49-43). Follow us on Facebook or Instagram. To organize your stay in Lourdes, see also the website of the Tourism Office.
The Earthquake Information Center was created thanks to European funds as well as the input and support of several scientific institutions :