The C-PRIM or Centre Pyrénéen des Risques Majeurs (Pyrenean Major Risks Center) is intended as a resource center promoting the "risk culture" in the Pyrenean mountain range.
Created in 2007 in Lourdes, the association implements an action program focused on preventing natural risks. Its permanent team and expert members build on extensive capacities to carry out various actions: communication towards the general public, scientific animations, guidance to the local authorities and project management.
Management and animation of the Earthquake Information Center (Maison de la Connaissance du Risque Sismique)
Following an agreement with the municipality of Lourdes and the French State, the C-PRIM is in charge of the scientific animation and awareness-raising activities of the Earthquake Information Center (Maison de la connaissance du risque sismique), located in Lourdes, in front of the Funicular of the Pic du Jer. More information
Raise awareness among the public and educate students
To maintain and promote the culture of risk, it is essential to inform the public, especially the youth. Our association carries out diverse actions to raise awareness, including animations about natural risks, development of teaching material, lending travelling exhibitions, hosting conferences and information meetings on prevention measures, producing articles and thematic documentation. More information
Guidance to the local authorities
The C-PRIM provides advice and support to the local elected officials in accordance with their regulatory obligations, including in the field of prevention, preparedness and crisis
Training sessions are offered to elected officials and technicians so they can gain knowledge and build their capacityto improve the mitigation of major risks in the territory.
More information
Mediation activities
The C-PRIM is intended as a leading mediator between the Pyrenean population, the State, the scientific institutions and the professionals.
The cooperation and networking among the various Pyrenean stakeholders are crucial to optimize the actions on prevention and resilience.
Documentation center
The C-PRIM gathers and disseminates a quantity of materials related to major risks in order to inform and advise the public on how to reduce their vulnerability. This information center is accessible to all by appointment. You can also access the Web portal. Visit C-PRIM documentation here
Deputy mayor of the city of Lourdes, in charge of the Ecological transition and the living environment. Member of the conurbation "Tarbes Lourdes Pyrénées" committee, referent for the Climat Plan.
Frédéric DUPLAN
Technician in the Cellule d’assistance technique à l’entretien des rivières (CATER) of the Hautes-Pyrénées Departmental Board.
Seismologist, asociated professor at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA).
Jean-Pierre MENGELLE
Retired school director, head of enquiry, trainer in the IFFO-RME (French institute for training in major risks and environment).
Her role is to organize preventive actions towards elected officials, the general public and the schools.
Her role is to lead awareness-raising actions about natural risks towards the general public, the construction professionals and the schools.
His main mission is to guide the local authorities so they take into account the major risks on their territories (Plans communaux de sauvegarde, documents d'information communaux sur les risques majeurs...).
She is in charge of the Earthquake Information Center (Maison sismique): animation, promotion and improvement.
Creation and articles of association
The C-PRIM was created as an association during the General Assembly on March 7, 2012 in Lourdes. It intends to act both as a monitoring entity and a resource center on the Pyrenean level. Its ambition is to build a network between the local Pyrenean stakeholders and to create a projects dynamics encouraging a better risk prevention within the moutain range.
Join us!
You want to support the prevention of natural risks within the Pyrenees? Don't hesitate to join our association to get involved in the development of a "culture of risk".